Work at BlueSky

Power lines are for the birds.
Join the energy revolution and help realize a World Without Wires.

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It all starts with Team

We've got a lot to say about transcending the way the world stays powered up, but that's more of a hobby. Our day job is improving the quality of life for our team, our customers and their communities. We start with Team, because it's our belief that a happy team makes happy customers and a happier world.

Some ways we
improve the quality
of life for our team:

Competitive Salary +

We believe we have the best team to realize the grid of the future, and we literally put our money where our mouth is. Pay the best like the best.

Earn While You Learn +

Continued education and growth are a top priority for the BlueSky team, so we pay you for reading books. Our Skybrary(sorry) Initiative is an ever growing collection that actually pays you bonuses for reading.

Unlimited Time-Off +

Flexible scheduling allows our team to take off whenever they need to. Vacation planned? Need a mental health day? Dog swallow a roll of pennies? We got you.

Coverage for all +

Our team can choose from a wide variety of healthcare plans to ensure they get the specific coverage they need.

Hybrid Workspace +

When COVID-19 crashed the party we immediately transitioned to fully remote operations and never looked back. We gave up our larger office space and now have a smaller collaborative space free to use for collaboration and team events.

Trust and Transparency +

Micromanagement creates inefficiencies, silences brilliance, and just plain sucks. We believe in hiring smart people and getting out of their way. Trusting in our team and setting expectations is core to our work culture, so you can rest assured that you'll be valued as the superstar you are.

The good stuff

Competitive Salary

We believe we have the best team to realize the grid of the future, and we literally put our money where our mouth is. Pay the best like the best.

Earn While You Learn

Personal and professional growth are a top priority for the BlueSky team, so we pay you for reading books. Our BlueSkybrary(lol) is an ever growing collection that actually pays you bonuses for reading.

Unlimited Time-Off

Flexible scheduling allows our team to take off whenever they need to without losing any compensation. Vacation planned? Mental health day? Puppy ate a roll of pennies? We got you.

Healthcare Benefits

Our team can choose from a wide variety of medical, dental and vision plans to ensure they get the coverage they need.

Hybrid Workspace

Our hybrid work environment allows our team to work in the way that best suits them. You can work from home, in the park, wherever! Work schedules are flexible too, because we trust our team to get work done during the times they find most productive.

Profit Sharing

Our profits exist because of our team, it's as simple as that. So it's only fair that everyone sees a piece of the pie, right?Sharing is caring, after all.

Make Lives Better

Culture words

Like every other company, we say we’re unlike any other company.

We have these words which we very creatively refer to as our "Core Values." Innovative, right? These words are Excellence, Fortitude, Transparency and Fun. More on these below.

We also have these other words which we very creatively decided to call our purpose. Our purpose is to improve the quality of life for our team, our customers and their communities. Webster's dictionary defines purpose as “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” We think they’re on to something. We do, create and exist to make people’s lives better.

Our Core Values

Give a person a fish, feed them for a day. Give an excellent person a fish, and they’ll cook it and use that energy for doing what they do excellently. Or something like that.Excellence means leaving average behind - striving for greatness and not fearing falling short. It looks like caring for others, taking time for what's important, and doing it repeatedly.

Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit.
- an inspiring cat poster. Probably.

Fortitude leads with patience, celebrates failures, and isn't afraid to ask for help. It also means putting your mental and physical well-being first, no matter how much you like to work!

Be like glass - let your light pass through to others, and allow their light to pass through to you!

Transparency builds trust through honest and open communication. It means being responsible for our actions, and owning both our successes and failures. Being honest with what we can handle, and what we need help on.

Smile, laugh at yourself, let your freak flag fly.
We color outside the lines, wear crazy socks and take time to learn and grow together. We share stories, tell jokes, jam out and never take ourselves too seriously.

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