Gloucester Township


What we did


Under a U.S. Department of Energy grant, Blue Sky Power developed a Clean Energy Master Plan for 25 municipal and community buildings, brownfields, and superfund sites for the purpose of creating clean energy zones to produce power locally to support local community power demands.

Blue Sky Power was selected to serve as the Township’s Energy Consultant and create the Township’s Energy Master Plan. This comprehensive Plan, completed by Blue Sky Power, analyzes all Township energy usage and is the guide for implementation of energy projects including energy procurement, energy efficiency, recycling, solar PV, cogeneration and community power projects. The significant scope includes structuring and development of energy projects for 25 governmental buildings and utility scale clean energy projects for the Township’s Superfund site, a former U.S. Nike Missile Base site and a closed landfill.

This is one of the most advanced and comprehensive clean energy plans undertaken by a municipality and Blue Sky Power’s vision is being implemented, including numerous clean energy generation projects at municipal and local school district facilities, a municipal recycling program, and utilization of state programs to fund building retrofits to increase energy efficiency in Township and school district buildings under a shared services financing structure proposed by Blue Sky Power.  As a first project, the Township entered into a shared services agreement with the State’s largest K-8 school district and a regional school district to create a 7+ MW solar project that will be installed on numerous municipal and school facilities. Blue Sky Power continues to explore clean energy projects to benefit the Township and its residents as the regulatory structure for such projects continues to expand.

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